These videos were developed to help the student on his/her journey in Kungfu Training. Remember this is an additional training aid, for best results attend classes consistently.

EWKF On-line Training


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Tai Chi Training

36 videos
These videos will cover the Tai Chi training at our academy.

$20 every 1 month


42 videos
This section has the special forms, weapons, and training provided in both the SWAT and STORM program in addition to the curriculum.

$20 every 1 month

Black Sash Training

22 videos
The videos in this series are designed to help you with the techniques found in our Black Sash Training Program.

$20 every 1 month
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Tai Chi at Home Basic Training

22 videos
This program includes Chi-gong, basics of Tai Chi, Tai Chi workout, and self-defense

$20 every 1 month

Basic Program

9 videos
The videos found in this series are designed to assist you with learning the basics of our system.

$20 every 1 month
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Kung-Fu at Home Basic Training

10 videos
This program will cover the basics from our beginner curriculum. Stances,strikes,blocks,stretch kicks, and a basic workout are included

$20 every 1 month
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Kali Training Program

4 videos

$99 every 1 year

intermediate/adv 1yr

20 videos
Intermediate/adv levels of training forms, basics, self-defense etc

$59 every 1 year

1yr Tai Chi Training

36 videos
Tai Chi Training 1 yr - This program includes Chi-gong, basics of Tai Chi, Tai Chi workout, and self-defense

$59 every 1 year

Basic 1yr

9 videos
1yr basic video subscription - basic stances, techniques, self-defense

$59 every 1 year

swat/storm 1yr

42 videos
This section has the special forms, weapons, and training provided in both the SWAT and STORM program in addition to the curriculum.

$59 every 1 year

black sash 1yr

22 videos
The videos in this series are designed to help you with the techniques found in our Black Sash Training Program.

$59 every 1 year
Ewkf ba gua dragon tee design

Instructor Training

42 videos
These videos are for instructors Only. It will contain all videos for instructor training purposes.

$20 every 1 month

Intermediate/Advanced Training

17 videos
In this video series you will learn the intermediate and advanced forms, self-defense and basics. Ba Bu Chuan, Longfist 1, and Longfist 2.

$20 every 1 month

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